Lizet Boa Nova Podcast

The gospel reveals God’s great love for us: “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9, ESV). We dedicate this podcast to our Lord, Jesus Christ where we speak about the gospel and seek to apply gospel truth to our lives. By living the faithful life rooted in the Word of God, you’ll continue to experience the presence and power of our God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. In the past the podcast was about personal development and leadership based on faith. At first glance the ‘success industry’ could appear on the surface ‘okay’ but the more and more research was done into the ‘success industry’, you discover how much it is founded on self and humanism. Lizet [Liz-et] means “devoted to God” and Boa Nova means "The Good News" in Portuguese.

by Lizet Boa Nova - 126 episodes

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