Without Judgment coaching

✨ Hello and welcome to the Without Judgment podcast, where we dive into how to be happier at work, asking better questions, daring to be yourself,  and gaining clarity on what you want and how to approach it in the best way for you, in this season of  life. 

I'm Virginie, your host and I am French by origin and world citizen at heart. I am a food lover, a mom of boys, a writer in becoming, a podcaster and a connector of people and ideas.

I coach neurodivergent high achieving women in leadership roles how to be on their side, with tailored coaching tools to unearth clarity, cultivate confidence, and unlock their unique potential, because sometimes everything can look great on the surface and feel very icky under. Ready to get out of chronic stress and get to make strong decisions?  ✨


by Virginie FG - 148 episodes

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