Best Job Ever!

HR Executives at the top of their game speak about their work life journey. We get candid about what's working, what's not and how to make HR the best career you could have imagined. We talk to HR Directors, CFO's, CHRO's, VP's of everything and on occasion a CEO. If you want to know what hugely successful people do when they mess up (we all mess up) we are the place for you. The name change came up because while we are still committed to wine we can't commit to Wednesday's! We also added a couple of bright sparkling people. Danielle Leath a Benefits Wizard, yes wizards can be female and Eric Torigian Global VP of HR at Akebono and an HR Guru. We just all just really like talking to new people and making sure they have The Best Job Ever!! Hope you like our Podcast. Calum, James Danielle & Eric.

by Calum Maclean, James Reid, Danielle Leath a Eric Torigian! - 79 episodes

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