Whole New Worlds

Thousands of people are living in Chicago’s homeless shelters. Some of those shelters are run by Primo Center - Primo Center is the largest provider of services and shelter for homeless children and their families in Chicago. They do things a little differently -- they don’t kick families out. They provide wrap-around mental health services and offer innovative programs including a Girl Scout Troop. Co-hosts Jesse Betend and Ron Brown take you to Primo’s Sangamon shelter to meet the families, hear their stories, and learn how this program is different -- and why it’s so successful. This show is a collaboration between Rivet and Primo Center. Subscribe to the show to hear every episode— and don’t forget to leave a review. To donate to Primo Center text "NewWorlds" to 44321. To learn more about Primo Center, check out primocenter.org. Thanks to Moby for giving us permission to use his songs, including “Porcelain” and “South Side” as our opening and closing theme.

by Primo Center - 58 episodes

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