The North Texas Gardener
Welcome to North Texas Gardening, where the summers are hotter than Hades, the winters are unpredictable, and the Texas clay runs deep. On the show we’ll discuss the unique challenges for zone 8 gardening in the lone star state, and learn how to overcome them with advice from experienced gardening experts who know what it’s like to work and grow in the north Texas soil. I’m your host, Alyssa McDermott, and as a gardening newbie, I’ll be digging for all the answers to your (and my) burning gardening questions. Together, we can take the fear and guesswork out of gardening in this challenging environment. I strongly believe that gardening is for EVERYONE and think the world can only be made better by spreading this gospel. Anyone can learn this skill, no matter your age, time constraints, or level of experience. So learn with me, listen up, and let’s get dirty!