Zaroori Baat

Shiva Sharma is a restaurateur, a dancer, an activist, a happiness habits-coach and a mother. She has been in the industry for 13 years living through a multitude of professions. A poet by passion, Shiva integrates different aspects of her life through words, voice and movement. 

Zaroori Baat is a series of important conversations that need to be heard and shared. Conversations about stories and experiences that shape our lives. Our existence but don’t get enough attention & space. The first season of Zaroori Baat is about Shiva’s journey of motherhood - the real deal! The huge internal shift that occurs for a woman almost overnight once she becomes a mother while the rest of the world around her (not well equipped with a holistic approach to healing) struggles and fails to support her. This is her story. Your story. Story of the entire womankind. 
Until we talk about it, healing won’t BEGIN. 
This is Zaroori Baat.

by Shiva Sharma - 7 episodes

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Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited
