How to Get a Yoga Body with Jessamyn Stanley
When you scroll through yoga icon Jessamyn Stanley's Instagram feed, you'll see images that look pretty different from the average 'yoga' google image results. Today, Jessamyn gets real about how she embraced her yoga body and claimed space on the mat as a fat, black woman. Plus Cristen and Caroline unpack the yoga claptrap to trace the roots of yoga's whitewashed image problem back to it's unladylike source. Follow Unladylike on social @unladylikemedia. And sign up for our newsletter at Hear Jessamyn Explains It All (plus Unladylike, ad-free!) on Stitcher Premium. Use promo code "UNLADYLIKE" at for a free month trial. This episode is brought to you by Midroll [], the podcast Night Call, Thirdlove [], TomboyX [] with code UNLADYLIKE, and []. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit