005: 7 Steps on How to Fight a Cold
This Week’s Episode: My husband, Ted Nugent, recently went on a trip and got sick. I know that prevention is key to keeping sickness away. I doubled up on my vitamins and made sure I got my greens. Well, a few weeks later, Ted got sick again and this time, I wasn’t so vigilant. I let my guard down and caught his cold! In this episode, you are going to hear my seven steps on how to fight a cold. Sure, it’s best not to get sick at all, but sometimes it happens, and these steps will help you recover from the illness. For more information like I shared with you today, pick up my book, 4 Minutes a Day, Rock ‘n Roll Your Way to Happy: Be Happier, Healthier, More Prosperous, and Life the Life of Your Dreams You’ll Learn: [00:34] - Ted recently went on a trip and came home sick with a cold. After recovering, he got sick again! [02:03] - Step #1: Note the day you first have symptoms. Write down the symptoms and when you first noticed them. [02:36] - Step #2: Check with your doctor on the 2nd or 3rd day you have the symptoms of a cold. [03:25] - Step #3: REST! Get caught up on some Netflix. [04:54] - Step #4: Wipe down every surface. This keeps you from reinfecting yourself and others in your household. [05:11] - Step #5: REST! [05:26] - Step #6: Be proactive with chicken soup, Kleenex, honey and lemon, chamomile tea, cough lozenges, and whiskey. [06:47] - Step #7: Don’t work out.