003: Become MindLESS, not MindFUL, with Dr. Kapil Gupta
This Week’s Episode: Dr. Kapil Gupta joins me on this episode. Dr. Gupta is a personal advisor to celebrities and professional athletes who want to take their lives and performances to the next level. In this conversation, we discuss Dr. Gupta’s new book, Atmamum and his philosophies. You will hear Dr. Gupta explain why he believes in mindlessness and he explains how this is where “the zone” is. He also shares his opinion on the formulaic recipe tendencies of modern-day culture. Dr. Gupta’s comments on parenting are interesting and you’re going to want to hear his thoughts. This conversation has changed my life and I hope it gives you a new perspective on yours. Connect with Dr. Kapil Gupta: Website: http://www.kapilguptamd.com/ Email: kapil@kapilguptamd.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/KapilGuptaMD Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KapilGuptaMD You’ll Learn: [01:30] - When asked to describe himself, Dr. Gupta calls himself a “fascinating student of life.” [02:25] - Dr. Gupta shares his background and explains how his early life shaped his philosophies. [03:47] - Dr. Gupta works with professional athletes. He explains that the higher the stage, the more need there is for the kind of support he provides. [05:35] - Dr. Gupta explains how he works with professional athletes. Though his own experimentation, he discovered what “the zone” is. [10:34] - Dr. Gupta says that formulaic tendencies of modern-day culture leads to mediocrity. [12:30] - Dr. Gupta does not believe it’s difficult to block things out. He explains that “difficulty is only possible when one feels that he has a choice.” [18:40] - In his book, Dr. Gupta says that parents don’t really love their children and parenting is a burden. He explains these comments. He discusses the difference between love and attachment. [23:40] - Dr. Gupta says, “The ability to curb involuntary thought is the pathway to achieving everything you want in your life.” He goes on to share his thoughts on mindfulness. He feels that we are at our best when we are mindless. [31:44] - If you are just starting out with meditating, Dr. Gupta shares some recommendations. [34:49] - Dr. Gupta talks about the idea of competitiveness. He says that we operate at our best when we are relaxed. [38:17] - Dr. Gupta says that he wishes we had a near-death experience once every three months. He explains this opinion.