Summary of How to Break up With Your Phone by Catherine Price | Free Audiobook
For everyone who needs to tell their phone, “It’s not me, it’s definitely you,” How to Break up With Your Phone (2018) offers a foolproof handbook for setting yourself free from one of our most popular toxic relationships. Exploring the toxicity of social media addiction, Catherine Price’s critical study examines our phones’ impact on our productivity, mental health, and relationships to illustrate the necessity of reforming our digital habits. Arguing that we need to stop using our devices as distractions, Price reminds us how to re-engage with the real world and set healthy boundaries by providing practical steps for cultivating safe tech habits that can actually improve our quality of life. Do you want more free audiobook summaries like this? Download our app for free at and get access to hundreds of free book and audiobook summaries. DISCLAIMER: This book summary is meant as a preview and not a replacement for the original book. If you like this summary please consider purchasing the original book to get the full experience as the original author intended it to be. If you are the original author of any book on QuickRead and would like us to remove it, please contact us at