3. How To Be Awesome At Doing All Of Your Holiday Shopping During Black Friday Week!
Today we're talking about taking the crazy out of the holiday season. Planning your gifting so that you do 99% of your purchasing during Black Friday week. Today I’m sharing the life hacks I’ve learned to plan ahead in my holiday gift giving… Make lists and get it all done early and at the very best prices of the season. This is one of those life hacks that I’m like oh my gosh how have I not learned and implemented this sooner- so I’m so excited to share it with you. How many times have you talked to people in the month of December and they’re totally frazzled and they’re like… Oh my gosh I haven’t even started or oh my gosh I’m so stressed I’m only halfway through or they’re going to the crowded mall every weekend and their stress and fighting with their spouse and taking all the fun out of holidays. Today we’re going through all the steps that you need to take NOW to plan your holiday gift giving and how to do it from the comfort of your own home a month ahead of time. Then when you’re shopping in December it’s just a pick up those little extras or to be social… It’s not this stressing experience that we’re all used to. Today we’re talking about how to be awesome at doing all of your holiday shopping during Black Friday week. Links to awesome things referenced in this episode: Custom phone cases from Baublebar or Casetify The new square Polaroids If you want something pricey there's nothing better than the DYSON blow dryer.. and at Nordstrom right now they have a special set that includes a cool stand for it! I'm OBSESSED with Simplehuman bathroom mirrors… they come in all sizes from travel to massive… I love the rose gold in between one… it has a sensor light on it so it turns on when you walk up and it’s basically the best thing in my bathroom. I always love the MAC make-up sets - I think they are just a great deal and always have a variety of fun colors that are easy to gift- and for the right person - a cool make-up gift is the best! I absolutely love giving personalized gifts when possible… And Black Friday is such a good time to do this… Maybe it's a backpack or a purse with an embroidered name from Pottery Barn Kids… Or a custom cosmetic bag with your friends name on it from Stony Cloverfield… Or a super cute custom necklace with your friends name on it or maybe even their kids names from Bauble Bar… Pottery Barn Stoney Clover Lane Bauble Bar