147 - Good Luck Chuck Blazer w/ Ian Edwards a Jason Davis
Today's show is action packed with people who love American soccer (Jason Davis) and people who can barely tolerate it (Ian Edwards). Jason hosts United States of Soccer on Sirius XM FC and Ian is a stand-up comedian that also talks about soccer weekly on the Soccer Comic Rant Podcast. Also, we discuss the The Zlap! Buckle your seat belts folks! It's a hot show! Segment 1: Everybody's getting Zlapped! Segment 2: Interview w/ comedian Ian Edwards (@ianedwardscomic) a Radio host Jason Davis (@davisjsn) Segment 3: You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Sponsors: On The Volley Apparel! Pick up a Gulliest Tee at onthevolleyapparel.com. Use promo code "COOLIGANS" for 20% off your entire order. SeatGeek! Download the SeatGeek app and use the promo code "COOLIGANS" for $20 off your first order! @notalexis @chrispolanco @soccercooligans @ogpodcasts