Access Cooligans: Eoin O'Callaghan
Today we are joined by Eoin O'Callaghan! Eoin is a Canadian soccer analyst and journalist who recently starred in a film called Celtic Soul where he embarked on a journey with actor Jay Baruchel to discover his Irish roots in Ireland, but the main purpose of the adventure is to find Paradise AKA Celtic Park in Glasgow. Jay a Eoin are huge Celitc fans and this film truly captures the passion of soccer fandom in a hilarious way. Listen to Eoin talk about it and then go watch the film ASAP! Segment 1: Interview w/ Eoin O'Callaghan (@EoinOcallaghn) Sponsored by Mike's Hot Honey! Go to and use the promo code "HOTCOOLIGANS" for 20% off your entire order! @notalexis @chrispolanco @soccercooligans @ogpodcasts