116 - Grab Them By The Puppy w/ Matthew Doyle
The USA is not going to World Cup 2018 so obviously the internet went wild, especially Jermaine Jones. JJ made a video on Instagram live and we made a little bit of fun of it, and boy oh boy, it is now most popular thing we've ever made. We're joined by Matthew Doyle today to make some sense of our feelings. He is known as the MLS Analyst, but today he's the MLS Therapist. Segment 1: Jermaine Jones forgot Instagram Live videos don't delete immediately. Segment 2: Interview w/ Matthew Doyle of Major League Soccer (@MattDoyle76) Segment 3: Penultimate Decision Day Matches: CHI v PHI NE v NYC RBNY v ATL SEA v FCD POR v DC Sponsored by SeatGeek. Go to seatgeek.com or the SeatGeek app and use the promo code "COOLIGANS" for $20 off your first order!