111 - World Cup Withdrawals w/ Matthew Doyle
The United States might miss the World Cup in 2018 and SOME PEOPLE are suggesting that that might be a good thing. That it will teach the US Soccer Federation a lesson to make the changes necessary to become a world soccer power. Matthew Doyle is not one of those people who believes that. Matty D joins the show. Matthew returns to the show from the MLS Analyst's Den to put everyone in their place who thinks the USA should miss the World Cup in Russia. Segment 1: We have our own natural disaster. Segment 2: Interview w/ journalist Matthew Doyle @MatthewDoyle76 on Twitter (mlssoccer.com) Segment 3: Alexi Lalas goes hard in the paint. Matches: ATL v FCD DC v ORL VAN v RSL NYC v POR COOLIGANS T-SHIRTS AVAILABLE NOW AT ONTHEVOLLEYAPPAREL.COM! USE PROMO CODE "COOLIGANS" FOR 20% OFF ON ALL GEAR!!