17. The Homegrown Rule
How MLS' Homegrown Rule pushed MLS teams to nurture young talent in their academies and why it took so long to take hold and meet it's full potential.Sources:Local Goalie Careers Poised to Go Global by Paul Tenorio for Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/25/AR2009052502163.html LA Galaxy Sign 17 Year Old Tristan Bowen https://web.archive.org/web/20081204142629/http://web.mlsnet.com/news/team_news.jsp?ymd=20081112acontent_id=203406avkey=pr_lagafext=.jspateam=t106 RSL Push The Envelope With A Residency Program by Randy Davis for MLS Soccer https://www.mlssoccer.com/post/2010/12/13/rsl-push-envelope-residency-program Evolution Of MLS Academies by Paul Tenorio for Four Four Two www.fourfourtwo.com/us/features/rating-mls-academies-homegrown-players-youth-development-progress 20 Years Of FC Dallas Homegrown Players by Buzz Carrick for Dallas News https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/fc-dallas/2017/10/27/20-years-fc-dallas-homegrown-players/ MLS USL Reach Deal For Restructured Reserve League by Matthew Doyle for MLS Soccer https://www.mlssoccer.com/post/2013/01/23/mls-usl-pro-reach-deal-restructured-reserve-league