8. The Internet Killed MLS's Quirks
Early MLS had some weird rules. No ties. Running shootouts. Clocks going up and not down. 4th subs for goalkeepers. What's weirder were some of the rules they were looking at, like bigger goals or kick-ins instead of throw ins. Listen to how Don Garber, the internet and Bob Bradley each had a hand in ending those rules.Sources: https://www.complex.com/sports/2015/05/oral-history-major-league-soccer-first-season An Oral History of Major League Soccer’s Frenzied First Season by Doug Sibor https://taleoftwohalves.uk/featured/rise-fall-golden-goal The Rise and Fall of The Golden Goal by Liam Togher https://rbnn.us/2018/09/26/cheatin-bob-bradley-and-one-very-quirky-mls-rule/ Cheatin Bob Bradley and One very Quirky MLS Rule by Roy Emanuel http://archive.boston.com/sports/soccer/articles/2004/03/25/overtime_eliminated_by_mls/ Overtime Eliminated by MLS by Frank Dell’apa for Boston Globe.