Our Top 5 Whitney Houston Moments: A Whitney Houston Tribute

On February 11, 2012, the world lost THE VOICE. 

And 10 years later, Diva Dailies is celebrating that voice and all the moments she gave us.  

In this episode, we are paying tribute to Whitney Elizabeth Nippy Houston - the Patron Saint of Diva Dailies. Angie and Steffi go back & forth sharing their Top 5 Favorite Whitney Moments. (Of course, this is always subject to change because she gave us so many. But at the time of recording this, these were their Top 5.)

And then, we end the episode with fun Whitney trivia and share some of our favorite underrated Whitney Houston songs.

Whitney, we will always love you. And we miss you so much. 

This one’s for you.

And if you’re a Whitney Houston stan, this one’s for you, too. 

*Email us: divadailiespod@gmail.com

*Twitter & Instagram: @divadailiespod

*YouTube Channel: Diva Dailies 

Channel Link Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPFguLd1TBSD5AgJNCX2ig/videos



- Housekeeping (03:22)

- Listener Feedback (04:21)

- Oscar & Razzie Moment of the Week (08:11) 

- Episode Set Up: Top 5 Whitney Moments (29:26)

- Angie’s #5: “In Return” - Live, Japan 1991 (30:36) 

- Steffi’s #5: “One Moment In Time” - Live, Grammys 1989 (35:47)

- Angie’s #4: Hollywood Rock Concert - Live, Brazil 1994 (39:50)

- Steffi’s #4: Le Grande Journal Interview, France 2009 (42:49)

- Angie’s #3: Wendy Williams Interview, 2003 (47:31)

- Steffi’s #3: “Say A Little Prayer for You” - Live Duet w/ Natalie Cole, Early 90s (51:11) 

- Angie’s #2: “A Song for You” - Live, Welcome Home Heroes 1991 (55:41)

- Steffi’s #2: MTV Fanatic Interview w/ Quencie Thomas, 1998 (59:58)

- Angie’s #1: The Bodyguard & Diva Dailies (64:40) 

- Steffi’s #1: “Didn’t We Almost Have It All” - Live, Saratoga Springs 1987 (68:59)

- Listener’s Favorite Whitney Moment (77:04)

- Whitney Trivia (78:14)

- Angie’s “Whitney Underrated Song” Rec: “Dancin’ on the Smooth Edge” (95:46)

- Steffi’s “Whitney Underrated Song” Rec: “Where You Are” (97:44)

- Closing Thoughts (100:02)

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