YESTalk-83 - What You Need To Succeed In Real Estate
Here are The Only Two Things You Need to Succeed in Real Estate:
1.CARING. Care more about your clients than your commission.
I get criticized for teaching scripts… “People see right through that.” See right through what? What they see through is Selfishness and Incompetence. People are sick and tired traditional sales where the Realtor seems only interested in what he/she can get from the client.
2. Be truly great at what you do. Ultimately you get paid for one thing and one thing only, DELIVERING RESULTS. That is where greatness show up in real estate. Become the best at delivering the best results and you will never have to worry about where your next deal is coming from.
When people believe you are on their side, and that you are great at what you do, they will follow you. And so will success.
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