YESTalk- 69- The Numbers That Matter For Real Estate Success
Wars are not won on the battlefield…but in the war room where the strategy is planned, activity is monitored and assessed…progress and setbacks are evaluated and adjustments are made.
Where does that happen in real estate? It happens in tracking your numbers and evaluating what’s working and not working and then make adjustments to move your business forward. Unfortunately, most agents don’t take the time to strategically measure and evaluate their activities and results.
Tracking your numbers gives you the awareness to assess and make needed adjustments to accelerate your success. The most basic numbers to track and evaluate are the time spent daily and money spent in lead generation, and how many Contacts, Leads, Appointments are happening each week. The big three results to track are Listings Taken, Sales made, and total income earned.
To download a copy of my “Weekly Performance Scorecard” join our YesMasters Real Estate Success Community Facebook Group.
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