Optimizing Your Digital Presence in Luxury Real Estate with Shayla Twit
Continually Growing Your Luxury Database:
The key to a healthy luxury database is constantly building up your referral network. Whether your referrals are coming from past clients, your digital web properties (such as your YouTube channel), or from other real estate professionals in your network, it’s important to look for referrals from a variety of places.
And the key to maintaining your database? Reciprocating referrals. Remember, if you’re unwilling to refer business to others, there isn’t much incentive for them to refer business to you either.
Expanding Your Reach Via Digital Marketing:
Digital marketing plays an important role in any luxury real estate marketing strategy. Shayla explains that she devotes a lot of time to her carefully curated YouTube channel, posting videos that help show her personality, establish her as a local real estate authority, and even connect her to the community at large when she interviews local businesses, such as the humane society. In addition to YouTube, she also showcases content on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, noting which videos and content pieces perform best, and adjusting her overall strategy accordingly.
When it comes to any digital marketing campaign, ensuring that your content is properly optimized — the way Shayla does — will not only help your content rank better within search results, but it will also increase your number of impressions, which could in turn lead to additional referrals. Shayla even uses her email signature to highlight relevant market updates, the MLS, and her YouTube videos, constantly mixing it up to provide her email recipients with new information they may find value in.
And where does Shayla learn about these helpful strategies she’s implementing in her marketing campaigns? Podcasts (like this one).
Topics and Questions You’ll Uncover During this Episode:
- How a digital marketing approach can play a critical role in building your referral network
- How to properly tend to luxury database in order to enjoy continual growth
- Why you don’t need to hire a professional videographer to shoot your YouTube content (and why you do need one when crafting content around client homes)
- Shayla’s approach to YouTube optimization and expanding her overall presence by expanding her digital presence
Resources Mentioned within Episode: