Episode 29 - Certified G, Bonafide Stud, Real 1, How You Doin’?
In this DON’T MISS, UNCENSORED, NSFW EPISODE, this week’s Special Guest, the man formerly known as Enzo Amore, shares some amazing stories about his time with the WWE, and compares notes with Rob, who has a few horror stories himself, from his time as a host of the Original Monday Night Raw. The Real 1 also serves as spokesperson and celebrity endorser for a new (Fictional) Gym, ‘Zero Fitness’, and Rob plays a bootleg backstage tape made by someone in the WWE Organization who wore a wire, where Vince McMahon can be heard having a little ‘Sit Down’ with nZo after his unexpected appearance at Survivor Series. And in the Podcast Exclusive, Infamous ‘SEGMENT 4’, new cast member Pixie Esmonde relates a story about the time she was in an elevator with the Late, Great, Andre the Giant…and got to see his junk.