Harry Potter Odd Ideas: Chapter 29
2/17/2022 | Fan Fiction the Podcast Season 2 Episode 16: Odd Ideas "The Barry Jumper Show" with Special Guest Marina Gasparyan! The Dursley family forces Harry to go onto The Barry Jumper Show, which is SORT OF like the Jerry Springer Show but with more murder. What will happen when Arthur Weasley gets involved?? This episode: Is hosted by Alyssa Davis & Reilly Willson; Features the amazing Amanda Bruton; & is edited by Michael Alan Johnson Fan Fiction the Podcast is produced by Rock Rising, Inc. Calls to action Visit our https://my.captivate.fm/dashboard/podcast/b017f397-8868-4d04-9092-007d31ab73bf/rockrising.org (website) to read more about Rock Rising and sign up for our newsletter! Follow https://www.instagram.com/fanfictionthepodcast/ (@fanfictionthepodcast) on Instagram! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/harry-potter-odd-ideas-chapter-4/id1489091952?i=1000552091750 (Shareable link to episode) on Apple Podcasts! https://www.rockrising.org/support-a-podcast (Donate) to Rock Rising today to help us continue to bring you free content!