Campaign 4 Wrap, Campaign 5 Preview
Greetings, Mortals!
We wrap up our epic adventures in Campaign #4 of Break the Dice on this episode! We'll touch on all our favorite (and least favorite) moments, answer listener questions, and preview what's ahead in Campaign #5! We hope you come along for the ride.
Break the Dice is an improvised podcast in the style of a classic D&D adventure.
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Our performers:
Game Master / Allen Voigt: Instagram: @prettgoodstories
Tyler Michaels King: Website:, Insta: @tylermichaelsking, Twitter: @tylermichaels
Joe Rapp: Twitter and Instagram: @fakejoerapp
Maria Bartholdi: Twitter and Instagram: @MissMariapants
MJ Marsh: Instagram: @mj_marsh_
Tyler Mills: Twitter: @tydmills