HAM Radio
Ep 10 – Ham Radio
Yellow vest bank run
80,00 troops deployed against yellow vests
Brits Prepping for Brexit
Alan - https://www.surreynowleader.com/news/white-rock-still-without-cell-service-after-dec-20-storm/
Article from 20190110: cell phones out of service for more than 30 days after a storm near Vancouver
Article from 20190110: Longton Kansas in a declared state of emergency over lack of cell phone coverage
I used to know Morse Code, but haven't used it in 20+ years.
http://www.learnmorsecode.com http://learnmorsecode.info I found a couple references reference that are helpful
Ian - http://nu-ware.com/ (NuMorse is what I used)
Role in preparedness?
- Monitor local emergency services
- Monitor “ham chat” on local repeaters
- Monitor NOAA weather radio
- Communicate with other local preppers or survival groups
- Keep in constant contact with security patrols
- Gain inside knowledge of how emergency services respond to disasters by getting involved in ARES or similar groups
LICENSING - Self study, exam spots, local clubs (ie NARA) Better to phone vs email re:local courses
Industry Canada, exam generator, and basic info
Ham puzzle
Youtube self-study courses
Perhaps a prepper hailing frequency… Channel 7 GMRS/FRS 462.7125 Mhz (1 Watt)
- Figure out what type of radio would best suit your needs, and buy a pair. Even if it’s just a pair of Midland FRSs.
Eric – Please check out Rapid Survival www.rapidsurvival.com and get me there on live chat while buying some prepper gear, or you can also email me at feedback@prepperpodcast.ca (while still buying prepper gear at Rapid Survival)