First Aid
Ep 8 - First Aid
Eric –Welcome to episode #8 of the Canadian Prepper Podcast…First Aid! My name is Eric, and I’m the host of the show. I am based in southern Ontario. I’m a hunter, target shooter, HAM radio operator (VE3EPN), and computer geek. I got into preparedness when I was working front line in emergency services and witnessed an over reliance on Emergency Services during major events, such has ice storms, power outages, etc. I started a small preparedness company to help get people prepared and able to look after themselves for at least 72 hours, if not longer.
Ian – My name is Ian, co-host of the show. I live on Vancouver Island, on a small hobby farm. I am an outdoor enthusiast, target shooter, reloader, and my farm’s designated handyman.
I have had a lifelong interest in preparedness, and I am gladly learning new skills on a regular basis. My professional background has allowed me to see pretty much every province and territory in Canada. It also has taught me to prepare for various unexpected situations daily.
Andrew Intro - My name is Andrew and I can usually be found hosting Canadian Patriot Podcast live on Youtube monday nights at 9pm eastern. In addition to recording the number one podcast in Canada, I run a firearms training and accessories tax shelter, Ragnarok Tactical. We deliver training for competition shooters, first aid training, and sell everything from boots to barrels, to tourniquets and and tacos.In real life I work a 9-5 job leading a team in information technology and raising a young family.
Eric – We have some great content for you in this episode, We’re going to start off with some news articles relating to preparedness and the outdoors. Next we will be letting you know how we’ve improved our preparedness since our last episode, , and then were going to get into the main topic for this episode, First Aid and its role in preparedness.
Andrew - I just had some forced leave from work so we installed new networking equipment at home including a battery backup, and prepped a few thousand 223 cases for reloading. We also cleaned and reorganized our cold room and removed all the “expired” food and made sure that all the shelf stable items were organised so the items that would reach end of life soonest are at the front. We also rotated and verified the water storage, we have 1 week on hand and are working towards 2 weeks .
Ian - Holiday season slows down most preps. Solstice dinner got cancelled, but still had to run our gift day and feeding with no power. Got to do a dry run on a ‘grid down’ scenario due to the power outage we will talk about below. Cut up a few trees with the help of a neighbour that fell. Topped up feeders and waterers. Bucked up the trees also downed by the arborist from last episode. No shortage of firewood this year! Tested the efficacy of my backup water system. Shortcomings noted in power cable line for genny, and using the UPS for cell phones. Fridges were fine. My mother mentioned I should get a genny… Clearly not watching the podcast….
Eric - I filled a pile of orders for Rapid Survival, the Christmas rush is officially here. . . So that cleared out a bunch of room for some new toys. Did some research on new gear and will be bringing in some new radios for the new year. Of course one or two of those will need to make their way into my packs.
News -
Ironically podcast delayed due to power outage. Solstice dinner got cancelled due to about 200+ trees in my neighbourhood going down. Friends still without power. Major grid damage on the island.
Dec 13, 2018 Richmond School District to put $350,000 towards emergency preparedness.
By the end of February, supplies are expected to be distributed to all Richmond schools and will ensure they are prepared for multiple days following an emergency. Supplies will include water, food, rain ponchos, solar blankets, first aid and staging area supplies.
“Since September 2018, meetings have been held with school district administrators, health and safety committees, parent advisory committees, stakeholders, the City of Richmond Emergency Preparedness Team and the R.C.M.P,” said a statement from the Richmond School District.
Main topic- Basic and advanced First Aid (Subject matter expert imported for this one)
Intro to Andrew - Andrew’s background / bio / qualifications
So I was in the Canadian Forces for about 5 minutes, I didn’t do anything cool and I never deployed. I did however take the Army’s idea of a first aid course. I also keep my Red Cross Standard First Aid up to date with a renewal every 2 years, I’ll be recertifying in January or February. I have to have that to run ranges on military bases which I do regularly for the Ontario Rifle Association, plus it probably helps to have for my day job.
Advanced first aid courses I’ve taken
Spent Brass Training Solutions LLC Tactical First Responder Trauma Course – 2018
American College of Surgeons Bleeding Control Basic v 1.0 – 2018
Questions we plan to ask:)
-What is the minimum qualification level a prepper should aspire to reach? WCB level 1? EMT Training?, is CPR C enough etc?
A -
- As much as possible.
- College Paramedic courses are probably overkill and requires 2 years of study.
- Standard First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, Stop the Bleed/Bleeding Control Basic are probably going to cover 90% of what you can expect to deal with day to day.
- But more is always better.
-What is the Minimum equipment list, other than the standard ouch pouch? Ie: stacks of gauze , truck kits, Chest seal, Medical stapler, israeli bandage, (sprinkle on Hemo agents) Explain the utility and likelihood of need for each. Maybe Epi-Pens?
A - Please don’t use sprinkle on Hemostatic agents, the technology is out of date and less effective. As with most things it depends. 3 Factors
- Cost
- Size
- Scope of Practice
1 Cost
How much can you afford to buy? How many kits do you need? Are they different? I keep 3 different IFAKs.
- Car
- Enough for 1 to 2 people with major trauma likely to be encountered in a Motor Vehicle Collision
- Work/Range Bag
- Enough for 1 person with major trauma
- Range belt
- Small on my belt enough for one person with a small trauma, like 1 bullet hole
We’re also working on building home and vehicle trauma kits with more stuff to deal with greater number of casualties following the use of an IFAK, basically additional trauma supplies plus supporting tools for longer periods of care.
IFAK - Individual First Aid Kit - Contents
- Airway (training)
- Nasopharyngeal Airway, 28 French + lube
- Bandage
- Emergency Bandage aka Israeli bandage 4” or 6”
- Cutting
- Shears - airport friendly
- Hemostatic
- QuikClot Combat Gauze
- Celox Gauze
- Occlusive Dressings
- Foxseal
- Gloves
- Tourniquet
2 Size
How big is the kit? Can you carry it with you? Does it stay at home or in a vehicle?
The largest kit in the world is not helpful if its 100 yards away and you’re bleeding out.
3 Scope of Practice
What are you trained, comfortable, and “allowed” to perform? What about keeping things that you can’t use but a Doctor, Nurse, or EMT could? What if you’re SOL and have to do it to save a life?
For example I will not do rescue breaths on non-family members. I’ll do compressions or what ever but I don’t know where they have been. The time to figure this out is now, not when you come on to a scene.
Ian - (Fentanyl second hand poisoning)
-Cheap place to buy bulk consumables such as gauze? Brands to avoid?
Ian - (Ono Safety supply)
-Combat first Aid courses, any in Canada? Describe what is taught….
A - Ragnarok Tactical partnership with Spent Brass Training Solutions LLC Tactical First Responder Trauma Course
Last year it was two days of scenario based and hands on training. This year we’re likely to get Val back up to do two 1 day courses early in the year. Dates and cost TBD.
Topics of Instruction
- Combat Mindset
- Physiological Response to Combat
- Preventing and Treating Common and Non-Combat Related Injuries
- Litter, Drags and Carries
- Basic Anatomy and Location of Major Arteries
- Identifying and Treating the Different Types of Bleeding
- Identifying and Immobilizing Broken Limbs
- SCAB and Treating Compromised Airway
- Treating Gun Shot and Knife Wounds
- Improvised Treatment Methods
- Constructing your Personal IFAK
Dispel some myths.
Tampon and Maxi-pad use:)
FIsh Antibiotics as a field expedient amoxycillin?
Ian - Some recommended books.
Where there is no Doctor - David Werner
Where there is no dentist - Murray Dickson
Medicinal herbs - Rosemary Gladstar
John “Lofty” Wiseman - SAS and URBAN survival manual
First AId Manual
INVENTORY OF FOOD, EXPIRY DATES. You will need the space! Good idea of what you have. Chance to clean house and organize. Rotating food to use oldest first. Give almost expired stuff you will never likely use to food bank. …...Food good past expiry,
- Only buy what you will use. Ie spam?
Shout Outs.
- Ian - The travelling prepper. Always keeps me on my toes with good challenges and questions
- Eric - Dean from Canadian Prepper Network, we’re working on getting him on to discuss HAM radio.
Episode Closing
Eric - Listener Email Review, and answering of questions sent in. If you want to send in a question, email, or suggest a topic.
Email from Alan -
Good afternoon Eric and Ian,
Just wanted to say thanks for putting this out!
I'm also a Southern Ontario Native (west of London). Haven't had my HAM licence for a few years but interested in getting it back.
I've been prepping at various stages and phases for nearly 25 years now. It
started in scouts when I got lost in the woods on a hike and had to spend
the night.
In my 'spare time' I hunt, fish, teach first aid, and build towards
I truly appreciate the Canadian perspective of prepping. I listen to a few
American podcasts as well. The differences are STAGGERING.
One of the first times I ever put my plans into place was during the 2003
blackout. I was a 2nd tier responder affiliated with local fire and EMS
teams (volunteer) and spent almost 48 hours helping prevent
life-threatening emergencies.
EDC, first aid, and SIP preps are my primary areas of focus.
Keep up the great work. I appreciate the effort you guys put in. I'm
looking at right now and planning my first purchase!
Thanks guys,
Ian - Itunes review?
Eric - I’m going to bring episode 8 of the Canadian Prepper Podcast to an end. . . Ian where can people find the show online?
Ian- You can find the podcast on Itunes and Podbean, and spotify. Please help us out take a few minutes and submit a review! It helps other people find us.
You can also find us at Our Youtube live shows are now available, please subscribe to “The Island Retreat “ and click the notifications tab. That gives you alerts when we are going live.
Eric –Ian how can people reach you?
Ian -,
Andrew - Contact info? and
Eric – Please check out Rapid Survival and get me there on live chat while buying some prepper gear, or just can also email me at
Eric - Thanks for joining us, and tune in for the next episode, where we will talk about Water needs, storage, and disinfection..
Eric - Until next time, be prepared, stay safe, and (Ian) keep learning!