@pausewithplants | Breathe in Nature & Breathe out Stress
Episode #011: Connect, Move & Meditate with Plants
"I definitely think it's a powerful resource for all of us right now to tap into seeing how nature is growing back in the spring and how we can grow back from this." -Brittany Gowan
In this Episode of Among the Jungle Podcast we join Brittany Gowan owner of Pause with Plants as we journey to the BIG APPLE to learn how to connect, move and meditate with plants to assist in boosting the immune system and in creating a deeper sense of ease and connectedness to alleviate feelings of stress, uncertainty and seclusion.
We will grow through this together.
Today we will learn:
1) The mission and creation of Pause with Plants
2) The psychological benefits of pausing to experience nature
3) The power of breath, mindful awareness and visualizations
4) Actual exercises and tools to connect, move and meditate with plants
If you're ready, its time to inspire your wild!
Show Notes: www.amongthejungle.com/011