@kelseynollette | Natural Science & Illustration
Episode 005: Natural Science & Botanical Illustration
"Find what excites you, something that keeps you awake at night, something that gives you that feedback of things you could accomplish- and do it!"
-Kelsey Nollette
In this Episode of Among the Jungle Podcast we follow the journey of botanical artist and illustrator Kelsey Nollette, based in Seattle Washington to uncover both the art and science of the natural world. Her artworks are so beautiful- you might just want to eat them! We discuss mycelia, meeting "your people" where they are and finding your passion and then load you with lots of botanically inspired projects to keep you inspired by mother nature all year round.
Today we will learn:
1) What it was like to study both art and science
2) All about Mycelia
3) How drawing can increase mindfulness & awareness, as well as several other creative prompts
If you're ready, its time to inspire your wild!
Show Notes: www.amongthejungle.com/005