@gabriellaplantsonline | Pink Princess Philodendron
Episode 004: Third Generation Nursery Growers & Pink Princess Philodendron
"Don't let the negativity of whats happening (i.e. negative plant experience) pull you away from the beauty of whats unfolding before you and don't let it discourage you from buying the plant again."
-Shane Maloy
In this Episode of Among the Jungle Podcast we follow the three generations worth of nursery growers and their journey to becoming the largest grower of Pink Princess Philodendron in the US. We chat in depth with Shane Maloy, third generation nursery owner and creator of what we know now as Gabriella Plants "Online".
Today we will learn:
1) The history of Gabriella Plants and how it has exploded over the past year
2) How to get the most out of variegated plants like PPP & Variegated Monstera species
3) Insider information that helps you become a more educated consumer and honestly, SO MUCH MORE!!
If you're ready, its time to inspire your wild!
Show Notes: www.amongthejungle.com/004