332 - Coin Concede "Dragon the Meta Down"
WickedGood came up with this title after Hat tried "Control Bore-ior". Full attrition Warrior is back and it's time to cover how to effectively hero power pass... or what you can do to beat it. There's some news too as well as a full recap of the Masters Tour.
News – 23:06
- New BG bundles - Astral Impact
- Bugs and Hotfixes
- Chi-Ji event
- Rad animated wallpaper
Tournaments – 43:29
- Masters Tour recap and stats!
- GM week 1
- Ladder data
Decksplanations – 1:00:19
- Deck overview
- Meta context that allows this deck to be good
- Key turns, matchups, and mulligans
The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website
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