5.7: Grown Up
Show Notes
On MSB this week, we've stopped crying long enough to talk about the final episode of War in the Pocket, and Thom has a Rapid Fire Research Roundup as he works through a whole bushel of Zeon names and inspirations derived from film, literature, and mythology.
Rapid Fire Research Roundup General Rugens:
- Gundam 0080 setting materials (settei) posted by Mark Simmons.
- The Wikipedia page for actor Curd Jürgens.
- A visual aid comparing Rugens and Jürgens as he appeared in The Devil's General/Des Teufels General can be found on our website.
- _Some more information about the real general Ernst Udet, via Wikipedia and a more detailed biography. _
Captain von Helsing:
- Wikipedia page for Peter Cushing, with reference to his role as van Helsing.
- A visual comparing Cushing to von Helsing can be found on our website.
The Graf Zeppelin:
- The Graf Zeppelin's Wikipedia page.
- More about the problems that prevented the ship from entering service.
- _More details, some good photographs, and a mockup model of what it might have looked like. _
- _Additional information about the ship, including a report (with photos and videos) about an expedition to dive the wreck itself. _
Siegfried & Valkyrie:
- Wikipedia page for Siegfried (using his Norse name Sigurd).
- Brief Britannica article on Siegfried.
- _A detailed breakdown of different Siegfried myths in both German and Norse traditions. _
- _Wagner's Ring Cycle (Der Ring des Nibelung). _
- Wagner himself, via Wikipedia.
- An article looking at the connection between Hitler, the Nazi regime, and Wagner's operas: Charlotte Higgins for The Guardian: How the Nazis took Flight from Valkyries and Rhinemaidens. July 3, 2007. Available at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jul/03/secondworldwar.musicnews
- _The full version of Siegfried's funeral march. _
Regarding the historical, and enduring, use of Siegfried by the far-right in Germany:
- Michael Zeller for Fair Observer: From Opera to MMA: Nationalist Symbolism and the German Far Right. August 12, 2021. Available at https://www.fairobserver.com/region/europe/michael-c-zeller-richard-wagner-opera-nibelungenlied-nationalist-symbolism-far-right-germany-news-915421/
- Jacob Katz, The Darker Side of Genius: Richard Wagner's Anti-Semitism. 1986.
- Marie Todeskino for Deutsche Welle: The hateful side of Wagner's musical genius. May 31, 2013. Available at https://www.dw.com/en/the-hateful-side-of-wagners-musical-genius/a-16850818
Mobile Suit Breakdown is written, recorded, and produced within Lenapehoking, the ancestral and unceded homeland of the Lenape, or Delaware, people. Before European settlers forced them to move west, the Lenape lived in New York City, New Jersey, and portions of New York State, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Connecticut. Lenapehoking is still the homeland of the Lenape diaspora, which includes communities living in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Ontario.
You can learn more about Lenapehoking, the Lenape people, and ongoing efforts to honor the relationship between the land and indigenous peoples by visiting the websites of the Delaware Tribe and the Manhattan-based Lenape Center. Listeners in the Americas and Oceania can learn more about the indigenous people of your area at https://native-land.ca/. We would like to thank The Lenape Center for guiding us in creating this living land acknowledgment.
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The intro music is WASP by Misha Dioxin, and the outro is Long Way Home by Spinning Ratio, both licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licenses. The recap music is "pieces of life" by Analog by Nature, licensed under a CC BY attribution license. All music used in the podcast has been edited to fit the text.
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