Rus Bradburd
There's no short or simple description of Rus Bradburd. Wins a national championship as a little-used reserve on the legendary North Park College team in the late 70's, only to be cut as a senior. Desperate to stay in the game, he scatters resumes around the country. Spends several years as assistant coach to the legendary Don Haskins at UTEP, where he successfully lands the talented Tim Hardaway. He learned as well under Coach Lou Henson at New Mexico State, before ditching - so he thinks- the basketball for the pen and the fiddle - the Irish fiddle, that is. He falls in love with Ireland (not the first fella to do so, by the way), launches his writing career, and is a currently a Fulbright-awarded lecturer in creative non-fiction at New Mexico St. That's some journey.The recent author of All the Dreams We've Dreamed takes us through his career, and highlights the plight of coach Shawn Harrington (main character in the book) and his efforts to help Shawn gain independence.