129: Story Time w/ Bob Huggins, Frank Martin, a Andy Kennedy
Bob Huggins is the head coach for West Virginia University. Frank Martin is the head coach for South Carolina University. Andy Kennedy is the head coach for UAB. Twitter: @CoachHuggs, @FrankMartin_SC, @CoachAK13 1:52 What do you miss most about your pre-COVID-19 life? 11:31 Memories of Cincinnati 22:49 Running clean programs 28:00 Recruiting stories 35:01 What’s the best way to start the next season? 55:02 Thoughts on transfer students Available for download on iTunes and Stitcher on Wednesday, April 15th, 2020. Good 'N Plenty is powered by BetOnline.AG. Get your special welcome bonus by going to BetOnline.AG today!