We're Only Human 25: How to Forecast Hiring Needs and Lead a Recruiting Team
How do you forecast hiring needs before you need to start recruiting? What's the difference between working as a recruit and leading a team of recruiters? In today's episode of We're Only Human, Ben speaks with Kristi Jones, a sharp talent acquisition leader at HaR Block to learn the answers to these and other questions, such as how to build high-quality relationships between hiring managers and recruiters (hint: show them your data, don't hide it). Additionally, we discuss how to create strong talent pools when you don't have the luxury of "just in time" recruiting methods. While HaR Block is commonly known as a "stuffy tax company," Kristi and her team are doing some incredibly innovative work around forecasting, hiring, and more. For instance, does your business hire seasonally? Well, in the US nothing is more seasonal than taxes, and HaR Block is one of the biggest dogs on the porch (to use a Southern phrase). They are able to use hiring funnel data to back into their sourcing, screening, and pipeline needs to meet incredibly tight timelines for hiring. If you enjoy this episode, be sure to reach out to Kristi and connect! She loves to network with other passionate HR leaders: https://twitter.com/kjoneskc https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristijoneskc3/ This episode is sponsored by WorkHuman, an amazing HR event with a brilliant line up of speakers and content guaranteed to help us all to shift work to be a little more human. Learn more at WorkHuman.com