The History of Tomorrowland
We dive into the history of Tomorrowland so you don't have to! Our first show back after an unexpected break finds us reviewing the history of Tomorrowland. Too often we wander the parks and forget that some of these buildings have been in place since the beginning. Well forget no more - Terrence, Taren, and JP will take you through a few of the forgotten rides in Tomorrowland and what replaced them. We go through some feedback (not from someone called "Greg", either) as well, and in our Tip of the Show we explore the rumor of the two identical wooden Indian statues in Disneyland, and drill down into the semantics of the word "identical". Of course, we have a bit of rambling to get through before we jump into the History of Tomorrowland - after all, we've been off the air for a few weeks! So not only will you get to hear all about Rocket to the Moon in the History of Tomorrowland segment, but you get to hear all about how Terrence puts on a zippy sweatshirt ... only on EarzUp! Remember when the promise of plentiful food was a good thing? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit