Episode 001: Dan Kenary
In the inaugural episode of the Brewbound Podcast, Dan Kenary, the co-founder of Boston-based Mass Bay Brewing Company (Harpoon Brewery), joins Brewbound editor Chris Furnari in a discussion on the state of the beer industry.
Throughout the conversation, Kenary talks about his experience launching and scaling Harpoon, some of the more savvy business decisions he’s made over the years -- including the purchase of a distressed brewery in Vermont for 25 cents on the dollar -- and where he thinks the craft category is headed over the next few years.
Show Notes:
0:00 -- 5:41: Brewbound editors Chris Furnari and Justin Kendall introduce the Brewbound podcast and discuss the upcoming Brew Talks GABF meetup in Denver, Colorado.
5:44 -- 44:30: Interview with Dan Kenary
44:30 -- 50:25: Furnari and Kendall discuss takeaways from the conversation with Kenary.
The Brewbound Podcast is an extension of Brewbound’s leading B2B beer industry reporting, featuring interviews with beer industry executives and entrepreneurs, along with highlights and commentary from the weekly news. New episodes are released every Thursday. Send us comments and suggestions anytime to podcast@brewbound.com.