007: Yaron Prywes PhD: Delivering 360 Coaching to Senior Leadership Teams
Join Dr. Krister Lowe and leading organizational coach Dr. Yaron Prywes for this week’s episode of The Team Coaching Zone Podcast. Dr. Yaron Prywes is a Coaching Psychologist and the Creator of the LeaderNation™ 360 Degree Multi-Rater Feedback Instrument. In this episode Dr. Prywes shares a combined “hit and miss” story that focuses on coaching a senior leadership team. The case highlights strategies for engaging team members who exhibit varying degrees of motivation to participate in the coaching process. The story highlights the importance of proactively and regularly receiving coaching supervision in order to maintain one’s role and focus during team coaching engagements. Dr. Prywes provides a number of valuable resources and recommendations: The Center for Creative Leadership, The Hudson Institute of Coaching, The LeaderNation 360 Multi-Rater Feedback Instrument, the NBI Thinking Preferences Assessment, The Confidentiality Spectrum, the CCL Situation Behavior Impact model, and more. For show notes and more information on team coaching go to www.TeamCoachingZone.com.