What Are Carbohydrates (and Why Is Everybody So Mad at Them)? w/Eric Helms
Our second episode is a look at a second macronutrient: carbohydrates.
After a quick discussion about the fact that we’re probably both HSP (Highly Sensitive People), we talk about some of our goals for the show and ways that you can get involved.
We run down some of our basic “knowledge” about carbs, but were left with a few questions:
Are some sugars better than others?
If all sugars end with “-ose?”
Do you sound like a douche if you use the term CHO?
Then, we bring in Eric Helms, PhD. to help us get our facts straight. Before it’s over, he also warns of the dangers of “PubMed Ninjas.”
Eric has a BS in fitness and wellness, an MS in exercise science, a second masters in sports nutrition, a PhD in strength and conditioning, and is a research fellow for AUT at the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand.
Our ideas about the question start around 12:47.
Eric runs down the facts starting at around 24:27.
Huge thanks to Eric for being our expert. You can find him at 3DMuscleJourney.com, muscleandstrengthpyramids.com, and on Instagram: @helms3dmj
Hosted by Mike Farr (@silentmikke) and Jim McDonald (@thejimmcd).
Produced by Jim McDonald
Production assistance by Connor O’Neal.