The Future of Inbound Lead Generation with Blythe Brumleve
[00:43] Please introduce yourself and your company.
- I am based in Jacksonville, Florida and the owner of Digital Dispatch.
- We help companies with their web and marketing problems.
- About ten years ago, I started working with a 3PL in Jacksonville. When my boss found out I was blogging on the side, he asked me to start doing it for the company too.
- I eventually got my own radio show. A lot of people make that natural evolution from content writing into radio.
[07:18] Tell us a little bit about inbound lead generation.
- They key differentiator of inbound is that you’re creating content with your audience in mind first.
- A lot of what you see on the internet and in this industry is very self-promotional. People aren’t searching for that. They’re searching for solutions to their problem.
- Inbound is trying to introduce yourself and establish trust with the customer so that you can be the solution when they’re ready to buy.
[10:51] Contrast inbound with outbound.
- Outbound is like interrupting someone’s personal space.
- We have all gotten emails that we know have been sent out to thousands of people. It’s not personalized at all.
- There are ways to make a cold outreach feel more personal, but it takes more time and that’s where a lot of companies struggle.
[15:34] Tell us about some new ways that we can use to get inbound leads.
- Video and podcasting, but they are also the most intimidating.
- Often, people hate seeing themselves on video or hearing their own voice. They let their fear paralyze them when it comes to sharing their expertise.
- As long as you’re sharing valuable content, you’re heading in the right direction.
[18:43] You have to get past fears if you want to be found as an expert online.
- Especially people who are first starting out. You’re not going to be an expert right away. Your first show will probably suck.
- You’re never going to get better if you don’t do it again and again and again.
- Keep thinking about it as having a conversation, and the intimidation factor will lessen a little bit.
[23:07] Tell us about what a podcast should focus on.
- I think having a good balance of different categories you’re going to cover is key to any content plan.
- There are different ways to approach your planning, and it doesn’t have to revolve around one specific type of content. However, I do think it needs to start with SEO.
- A lot of people get stuck on just one particular type and roll with it. It gets boring after a while, and it shows in your work if you lose that passion.
[28:38] Even for business podcasts, the personality needs to come out. There needs to be some context and humanity.
- Competitors may read a press release, but no one else will go to a website just to read a press release.
- Video is great, but podcasting is the least intrusive. It doesn’t interrupt the audience, because they can go about their day with a podcast on in the background.
[30:49] Please summarize this topic for us.
- At Digital Dispatch, we focus on everything from cost effective solutions to completely custom web and marketing services.
- I love focusing on logistics because there are variety of different companies at a variety of different levels.
- It starts with a conversation. If the content is there for your audience, people will consume it.
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