A Better Way to Sell Logistics Services with Matt Collins

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[00:21] Opening / Introduction

[00:31] Introduce yourself and your company.

• General Manager of SunAnt Interactive out of Milwaukee, WI.
• MBA from the Thunderbird American School of International Management.
• After that, he started a business with his brother dealing with lead capture solutions and CRM.
• That start-up failed and he went on to work with various agencies.
• In 2009, Matt started SunAnt Interactive with a few of his friends.

[04:15] What made you guys different and better?

• At the time, there were still a lot of unknowns with SEO and people were losing money because of it.
• Our vision was that it was possible to be ethically profitable where the client is getting a fair return and we’re getting a fair wage.

[05:39] You guys have always said that you can’t work with everybody and only want to be part of good stories.

• We’re incapable of and don’t want to work with everybody. Certain people are better off with other firms.
• People pay us for our expertise and opinions, but that’s not for everyone.

[07:28] You have some very strong opinions about transportation and logistics websites. Please share those with my audience.

• I was shocked when we first started working on logistics sites together, because some of them seemed like afterthoughts. They were horrible.
• It’s bad for companies that don’t want to do anything about it, but it’s great for the ones that are serious about their online presence.
• Anyone can slap together a website, but you need to get inside the client’s head.
• The market doesn’t wait, so maybe that’s why you see some companies finally getting involved online.
• Organizations get some clarity when they are forced to answer such questions as “what makes us special?” during the building of a website.
• It’s good to know what you are good at and what you’re not.

[16:58] There’s a better way to sell logistics services. What is that?

• The first thing to do is ask yourself about your organization’s current disposition online and be honest about it.
• The clients that do really well understand that things don’t happen overnight.
• Everything that you do with the business has to be measured against profit.
• The good thing about online efforts is that there’s no place to hide; you’re either getting return from your investment or you’re not.
• In the worst-case scenario, your website hurts you.
• When assessing your own website, ask yourself “if I was in the shoes of my prospect, does this site reflect negatively or positively upon me?”

[23:39] When thinking of your clients that are successful online, what do they have in common?

• They’re realistic, they approach things scientifically, they have proper expectations, and they can see the mid to long game.
• Some of the sites that we’ve worked on together that I’m very happy with are Armstrong & Associates and Dynamic 3PL.
• They both knew what made them different and better, whereas some companies struggle with determining that.

Learn more:
Matt Collins on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewcollins
SunAnt Interactive: https://www.sunant.com/

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