#57 HKUST MBA Admissions Q&A with Sean Ferguson
What is relatively unique about the HKUST MBA?
- #1 ranked Asian MBA program in the world by Financial Times past 5 years
- Finish the program in 12 or 16 months
- Most international MBA program in Hong Kong, usually 25-30 nationalities represented in 120 person class; 95% of class is from outside Hong Kong
- HKUST has great exchange relationships - participants are guaranteed exchange spots with nearly 60 MBA programs around the world
- Financial Times rated HKUST's faculty #1 for research in Asia
- Strong reputation for Finance - 40-50% of graduates work in Finance
A Good Fit for You if:
- You are interested in careers in Hong Kong and China - even though 80% of the class is non-Chinese, 50% of graduates stay in Hong Kong to work and 23% work in China
- You want to live, study and work in one of Asia's financial capitals; Hong Kong hosts over 6,000 MNCs and 70 of the top 100 banks
- You're looking to build a career and network in a fast growing region with a lot of potential upside, and get the prestige of a top-ranked program
About Our Guest
Sean Ferguson is Associate Dean of Masters Programmes at HKUST Business School. Prior to joining HKUST in 2013, Sean was Assistant Dean of Degree Programmes at Rice University's Jones Graduate School of Business. Before to moving to the higher education industry, Mr Ferguson had a distinguished in corporate career working at PROS, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (CGE&Y), and Procter & Gamble (P&G). He currently serves on the board of GMAC and got his MBA from Rice University.