#33 ESMT MBA Admissions Q&A with Jolene Monson

Jolene and I discuss the value (and reputation) of MBAs in Germany, job opportunities for international MBA students in Germany, and how to get into ESMT.

The program was founded just over 10 years ago by 25 leading companies - including Bayer, Daimler, and McKinsey - who wanted to develop management talent in Germany. The school's EMBA program is ranked #29 in the world by the FT, and ESMT expects to do fairly well in the FT's 2014 ranking (the Economist ranked the MBA program #30 worldwide).  The program has two elective tracks: technology and innovation management and global sustainable development. A good chunk of students (25% this past year!) also start their own companies after graduating, no doubt due to the program's proximity to Berlin.

Candidates can get 3 months of free intensive German language training if they apply early, and can stay for up to 18 months in Germany to look for jobs.  Currently tuition is 29,000 for the 1 year program (after a 9,000 scholarship deduction) - with average starting salaries at 80,500, ROI is immediate and high.

ESMT MBA in a Tweet: The global MBA made in Germany for technology management & sustainable development.

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