14: The “Aaah” Moment: Pursuing Individual Accountability with Alex Whiting
This week we’re joined by Alex Whiting, Deputy Prosecutor of the Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office, Harvard Law Professor of Practice (on leave), former ICC and ICTY prosecutor and renowned criminal law expert. We discuss why justice has been so hard to achieve in Libya and why we should not give up on the International Criminal Court just yet. In a time of global crisis when the political will to pursue individual accountability is waning, how can we turn the tide? ** You can find Alex on Twitter at @alexgwhiting ** Libya Matters is a production of Lawyers for Justice in Libya. Find us at: Info@libyanjustice.org Twitter: @LibyanJustice Facebook: @LibyanJustice Instagram: lawyersforjusticeinlibya Subscribe to our Newsletter ** Support our work with a single or regular donation**Find Libya Matters at:Twitter: @LibyamatterspodFacebook: @LibyamattersInstagram: @libyamatterspodcast