000: How to Actually Implement New Strategies Into Your Business
Welcome to our very first episode of The Strategy Hour a podcast for creative entrepreneurs who are tired of the fluff and ready for on-the-go strategy. In this episode, you’ll not only get a (very) quick introduction of Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams (your hosts), but you’ll also walk away with some action steps. You’ll find very quickly that every episode is going to be full of in-depth strategy that you can walk away with and apply to your business right away. In this episode, we’re walking you through the things you need to do when you learn a new strategy for your business. How to implement it, how to know if it’s the right fit for you and how to make sure it doesn’t just hang out on that dingy notebook in your bag. You’ll also learn the format of future shows and get a few sneak peeks at upcoming topics. So get your socks on, settle in and let’s get into some strategy. Thank you for listening! Please subscribe, rate and review The Strategy Hour Podcast on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated. For show notes go to thestrategyhour.com.