Legion Clubhouse #20: Ugh... Proty
In this episode of The Legion Clubhouse, Proty is all over the place, and that's good, right?
In the city of Metropolis, in the 30th Century, there exists one of the most amazing clubs of all time! Its members are teen-aged youths, each possessing on special super-powers! The club members have vowed to use their fantastic power to battle crime... This rocket-shaped building is the Legion Clubhouse!
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Adventure Comics #322
The Super-Tests of the Super-Pets!
July 1964
w: Edmond Hamilton
a: John Forte
With the Legion on a mission, the Super-Pets are left to protect the galaxy. Can their newest member prove his mettle?
Adventure Comics #323
The Eight Impossible Missions!
August 1964
w: Jerry Siegel
a: John Forte
A series of grueling tests will choose the Legion's new leader... but will any of the heroes survive them?
Thanks to one of our fantastic listeners, we are giving away a copy of Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes Volume One.
ENTER TODAY (http://majorspoilers.com/giveaway)
It’s the long-awaited wedding of Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad, with a ceremony bringing together Legionnaires and friends from across galaxies! But amid the celebration, one guest’s joy for the happy couple is mixed with apprehension: something is wrong with the 30th century, and only Superboy can see it. To figure out what happened to the Legion’s future, Superboy and his friends must venture a thousand years into the past—to 1978! Plus, the Legion face off against the Worldsmith, rescue their billionaire benefactor, take over Superboy’s brain and more!
Continuing directly from the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES, this volume includes stories from SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #234-240, ALL-NEW COLLECTORS’ EDITION C-55 and DC SUPER-STARS #17.
Originally introduced in 1958, the Legion of Super-Heroes is a team of super-powered teenagers from the disparate worlds of the 30th century's United Planets. Each hero had his or her own powers, unique to their planets of origin; together, they stood against evil across the galaxy. Together with 20th century hero Superboy, this team--originally made up of Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy, but soon numbering in the dozens--fought for justice as they dealt with adolescent insecurities.
Collects ADVENTURE COMICS #247, #267, #282, #290, #293, #300-328; ACTION COMICS #267, #276, #287 and #289; SUPERMAN #147; SUPERMAN ANNUAL #4 and SUPERMAN'S PAL JIMMY OLSEN #72, #76; and SUPERBOY #86, #89, #98 and #117.