3 - Modern CSS layouts
Here, we are looking at the principles of modern web layouts and to understand that we are referring a talk by Rachel Andrew from 2019 called "Refactoring the way we talk about CSS".She writes:"We need to look again at what it is to learn CSS. We need to leave our old ideas behind. It is only when we do, that we will stop supporting the idea that CSS is the fragile, broken, quirky language that its detractors would like to believe."Her talk shows how CSS has become a logical system and if we understand the problems it is solving, it is far easier to understand.General Points On CSS LayoutModern CSS layout:Has progressed from a series of hacks to a logically refactored system.Is partly reclaiming the universal and responsive web we started with.Reminds us that "What we see is NOT what they will get".Gives us resilient superpowers and creative freedom we have not had before.Specific Points On CSS LayoutBelow are the topic covered in Rachel Andrew's talk:Flow layoutChanging the value of displayOut of flow elementsWriting modesLogical properties and values(Box) AlignmentSizingWe have linked above to the appropriate MDN web docs where Rachel is also a key contributor.You can find all of the links by going to the noscript.show website, and hunt for episode 3.