Episode 46: COVID-19 Workplace Safety
More and more of us are returning to our workplaces as New York State reopens after the COVID-19 shutdown. You may also be visiting retail and department stores, hair and nail salons and barber shops. Many New Yorkers are also dining out. The big question is, how do we return safely as clients, customers and workers. On this podcast we will talk about workplace safety in the office setting, and in the retail industry to learn what we can do as customers, clients, and coworkers to stay safe. Our guests are: Geraldine Stella – Health a Safety Specialist at the NYS Public Employees Federation (PEF) David Mertz – Assistant to Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) President Stuart Appelbaum Charlene Obernauer – Executive Director of the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH)