Fertility Tales, powered by Nova IVF | Ep. 9 | Egg Freezing : Journey of Dr. Shri Vidhya
Embark on an empowering journey with Dr. Sri Vidhya in Episode 9 of 'Fertility Tales Powered by Nova IVF.' Delve into the fascinating world of egg freezing, from initial considerations to financial aspects, as Dr. Shri Vidhya shares her personal experience. Join us as we demystify fertility treatments and provide valuable insights for those exploring the path to parenthood. Subscribe, like, and stay tuned for more empowering stories on 'Fertility Tales.'#podcast #infertilityeggfreezing #oocytecryopreservation #ivf #novaivf #parenting #parenthood #myths #fertilityoptions #fertilityfacts #freezeyourfuture #preserveyoureggs