How to AFFAIR-PROOF Your Marriage w/ Lori Pearring, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
People don't wake up and say, "I'm going to have an affair." People usually “slide” into affairs. They think that crossing a boundary will feel like an electrical fence (“Ouch! I don’t ever want to do that again!), but it doesn’t — it often feels good. It can feel liberating because it usually involves feeling heard and understood by someone. It doesn’t even seem like a problem at first. In today’s episode, Lori Pearring, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, walks us through very practical steps for affair-proofing your marriage. She also guides us through some affair-recovery principles that she uses in session with couples. Here are the books that Lori references in the interview: Torn Asunder by Dave Carder Torn Asunder Workbook Hold Me Tight: 7 Conversations for Connection by Sue Johnson Created for Connection by Sue Johnson + Kenneth Sanderfer Here's a link to Lori’s website. Stay in conversation with us on IG: @dearyoungmarriedcouple or on our website: P.S. Here are the links to the marriage card decks we talk about in the episode: FOUNDATIONS: SEXPECTATIONS: REALIZATIONS: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit