Sheriff Chronister, helping to put veterans lives back together. A diversion program that works.

Sheriff Chronister is a trailblazer in the repair of lives corrupted by war. He is deeply committed to helping veterans who come into contact with the law return to being useful citizens. Listen while he shares information on the new veteran’s section of the jail and how it is centered on helping the vet, in conjunction with other agencies, to return to a productive life. We should point out that Sheriff Chronisters' actions are not just something that the law enforcement arm is doing in a vacuum. He has worked with our Public Defender Julianne Holt and our Veterans Treatment Court Judge Michael Scionti to make it a seamless system of rehabilitation whenever possible.  The proof of the value of this program is that in the end veterans moving through it have a recidivism rate of less than 10% and when you compare that to an overall recidivism rate in the state of Florida 36% you can see how well the program is working. To see the other programs by the Public Defender and the Veterans treatment Court look to these to podcasts in our library.Legal help for vets who find themselves in trouble with the law.Judge Michael J Scionti and the Veterans Treatment Court - Recidivism is in the 10% range, much better than the national rate of about 76%.

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